Greek audiences would have known the story of the ill-fated marriage between Jason, hero of the Golden Fleece, and Medea, barbarian witch and princess of Colchis. The modern reader, to fully understand the events of Medea, needs to be familiar with the legends and myths on which the play is based.
Medea was of a people at the far edge of the Black Sea; for the Greeks of Euripides' time, this was the edge of the known world. She was a powerful sorceress, princess of Colchis, and a granddaughter of the sun god Helias. Jason, a great Greek hero and captain of the Argonauts, led his crew to Colchis in search of the Golden Fleece. King Aeetes, lord ofColchis and Medea's father, kept the Fleece under guard. A sorcerer himself, he was a formidable opponent. This legend takes place quite early in the chronology of Greek myth. The story is set after the ascent of Zeus, King of the gods, but is still near the beginning of his reign; Helias, the ancient sun god before Apollo's coming, is Medea's grandfather. Jason's voyage with the Argonauts predates the Trojan War, and represents the first naval assault by the Greeks against an Eastern people.
The traps set by Aeetes made the Golden Fleece all but impossible to obtain. By Medea's aid, Jason overcame these obstacles, and Medea herself killed the giant serpent that guarded the Fleece. Then, to buy time during their escape, Medea killed her own brother and tossed the pieces of his corpse behind the Argo as they sailed for Greece. Her father, grief-stricken by his son's death and his daughter's treachery, had to slow his pursuit of the Argo so he could collect the pieces of his son's body for burial.
Medea and Jason returned to his hereditary kingdom of Iolcus. Jason's father had died, and his uncle Pelias sat, without right, on the throne. Medea, to help Jason, convinced Pelias' daughters that she knew a way to restore the old king's youth. He would have to be killed, cut into pieces, and then put together and restored to youth by Medea's magic. The unwitting daughters did as Medea asked, but the sorceress then explained that she couldn't really bring Pelias back to life. Rather than win Jason his throne, this move forced Jason, Medea, and their children into exile. Finally, they settled in Corinth, where Jason eventually took a new bride.
The action of the play begins here, soon after Medea learns of Jason's treachery.
A Nurse enters, speaking of the sorrows facing Medea's family. She is joined by the Tutor and the children; they discuss Jason's betrayal of Medea. The Nurse fears for everyone's safety: she knows the violence of Medea's heart. The Tutor brings the children back into the house. The Chorus of Corinthian women enters, full of sympathy for Medea. They ask the Nurse to bring Medea out so that they might comfort her; the unfortunate woman's cries can be heard even outside the house. The Nurse complies. Medea emerges from her home, bewailing the harshness with which Fate handles women. She announces her intention to seek revenge. She asks the Chorus, as follow women, to aid her by keeping silent. The Chorus vows.
Creon (not to be confused with the Creon of Sophocles' Theban cycle), king of Corinth and Jason's new father-in-law, enters and tells Medea that she is banished. She and her children must leave Corinthimmediately. Medea begs for mercy, and she is granted a reprieve of one day. The old king leaves, and Medea tells the Chorus that one day is all she needs to get her revenge.
Jason enters, condescending and smug. He scolds Medea for her loose tongue, telling her that her exile is her own fault. Husband and wife bicker bitterly, Medea accusing Jason of cowardice, reminding him of all that she has done for him, and condemning him for his faithlessness. Jason rationalizes all of his actions, with neatly enumerated arguments. Although he seems to have convinced himself, to most audience members Jason comes off as smug and spineless. He offers Medea money and aid in her exile, but she proudly refuses. Jason exits.
Aegeus, king of Athens and old friend of Medea's, enters. Aegeus is childless. Medea tells him of her problems, and asks for safe haven inAthens. She offers to help him to have a child; she has thorough knowledge of drugs and medicines. Aegeus eagerly agrees. If Medea can reach Athens, he will protect her. Medea makes the old king vow by all the gods.
With her security certain, Medea tells the Chorus of her plans. She will kill Jason's new bride and father-in-law by the aid of poisoned gifts. To make her revenge complete, she will kill her children to wound Jason and to protect them from counter-revenge by Creon's allies and friends. Many scholars now believe that the murder of Medea's children was Euripides' addition to the myth; in older versions, the children were killed by Creon's friends in revenge for the death of the king and princess. The Chorus begs Medea to reconsider these plans, but Medea insists that her revenge must be complete.
Jason enters again, and Medea adapts a conciliatory tone. She begs him to allow the children to stay in Corinth. She also has the children bring gifts to the Corinthian princess. Jason is pleased by this change of heart.
The Tutor soon returns with the children, telling Medea that the gifts have been received. Medea then waits anxiously for news from the palace. She speaks lovingly to her children, in a scene that is both moving and chilling, even as she steels herself so that she can kill them. She has a moment of hesitation, but she overcomes it. There is no room for compromise.
A messenger comes bringing the awaited news. The poisoned dress and diadem have worked: the princess is dead. When Creon saw his daughter's corpse, he embraced her body. The poison then worked against him. The deaths were brutal and terrifying. Both daughter and father died in excruciating pain, and the bodies were barely recognizable.
Medea now prepares to kill her children. She rushes into the house with a shriek. We hear the children's screams from inside the house; the Chorus considers interfering, but in the end does nothing.
Jason re-enters with soldiers. He fears for the children's safety, because he knows Creon's friends will seek revenge; he has come to take the children under guard. The Chorus sorrowfully informs Jason that his children are dead. Jason now orders his guards to break the doors down, so that he can take his revenge against his wife for these atrocities.
Medea appears above the palace, in a chariot drawn by dragons. She has the children's corpses with her. She mocks Jason pitilessly, foretelling an embarrassing death for him; she also refuses to give him the bodies. Jason bickers with his wife one last time, each blaming the other for what has happened. There is nothing Jason can do; with the aid of her chariot, Medea will escape to Athens. The Chorus closes the play, musing on the terrible unpredictability of fate.
Background Study:
The youngest of the three great tragedians, Euripides was probably born between 485 and 480 BCE, although some classicists propose a later date. Athens was in its Golden Age during his lifetime. The campaigns of 480-79 BCE saw the Athenians destroy the invading force of the powerful Persian Empire, solidifying Athens' position as the leader of the independent Greek city-states. The decisive victory came at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE, in which the Athenian navy routed the Persian fleet. Aeschylus, the first-born of the three great tragedians, served as a hoplite at the great battle. Sophocles, second of the three, danced in the victory celebrations afterward. And a popular legend holds that Euripides was born at Salamis, on the very day of the victory. In his own lifetime, he was the least successful of the three men, winning first prize at the Dionysia only four times. Yet more of his plays have survived than those written by Aeschylus and Sophocles combined. As with many brilliant men whose vision is less than comforting, it was only after Euripides' death that his genius was appreciated.
He was not a consistent or tidy artist. His plays sometimes suffer from weak structure, over packed plots, and a wandering focus. But discomfort with his medium can also be seen as one of Euripides' great strengths. And sometimes, his innovation and uniqueness are mistaken for weaknesses. His Orestes can be seen as a brilliant anti-tragedy, a work that questions the aesthetic assumptions of Greek drama. But for the unimaginative reader who uses pat theories to evaluate Greek tragedy, it is far easier to dismiss the play as simply bad. Like Orestes, many of Euripides' plays have suffered at the hands of critics incapable of understanding his vision.
He was undoubtedly the bad boy of Greek tragedy, and he is modern in a way that Aeschylus and Sophocles are not. The vision of Aeschylus' Oresteia, though brilliant and beautiful, can seem more like a hopeful dream than a representation of the world we know. And to modern audiences, Sophocles' heroes often seem removed from flesh-and-blood men and women. But Euripides' characters are always immediately recognizable. He is the father of the psychological drama, and he is an acute observer of human nature. Using the myths of Greece as his source, he transformed epic heroes into men of flesh and blood. Sophocles supposedly said that while he himself depicted men as they ought to be, Euripides depicted them as they really are.
He was a great questioner, and Socrates reputedly was among his most ardent admirers. A characteristically Euripidean move is to take a myth and focus on some problematic element, some event or action that calls the rest of the myth's ideology into question. In Alcestis, he takes a story of a wife's goodness and transforms it into an indictment of her husband, and, by extension, an indictment of the patriarchal values the old legend upheld. In Orestes, he gives the characters the happy ending that myth provides for them, but leaves us knowing that they don't deserve it.
Failure unquestionably hurt him; in Medea, the outcast barbarian sorceress speaks of the hatred people have for the clever. Euripides knew he was a great artist, and in the thousands of years since his death, generations of readers, critics and theatergoers have revered him. But the judges of the Dionysia favored others. Most of the men who beat him are now only footnotes in history. Euripides knew that he was better than they, and the endless defeats must have been maddening. But this frustration became part of his art, and his work would not be the same without the sense of loss and injustice.
Euripides is arguably the darkest and most disturbing of the Greek playwrights. He questions authority, and he is fascinated by the oppressed: women, barbarians, and slaves are more than just background on the Euripidean stage. He allows them to speak, and speak well. For his complex representations of "bad women," he earned the censure of critics and judges. He depicts the position of the oppressed without romanticizing them, and his plays make war against the gods of Olympus. The universe in which Euripides believed was not benevolent, or just. Hardship falls on all, the wicked and the good, and the gods are powerful but often capricious and cruel. He questioned social structures and hollow or hypocritical ideals. Needless to say, these positions made Euripides unpopular. He was the unwanted voice of conscience in his age, a man unafraid to point out the lies with which a civilization comforts itself. Sophocles gives us heroes, and Aeschylus gives us a vision of history and teleology; Euripides gives us real men with all-too human weaknesses, and his visions are often nightmares. In the end, the frenzied descent into chaos so often imagined by Euripides was truest to Athens' fate. Infighting and dirty politics compromisedAthens' good name, and Athens fell to her hated enemy, Sparta, just a few years after Euripides' death.
Possibly because he faced danger at home for his ideas, Euripides left Athens in 408 BCE. He went to the court of King Archelaus of Macedon; it was there that he wrote, among other works, The Bacchae. This play shows Euripides at the height of his genius. The Bacchae is a terrifying, powerful, and complex play, one that leaves its audience with more questions than answers. It is an extremely difficult play to produce well, but when it is performed right, few plays, from any time or place, can hope to match The Bacchae in its capacity to instill terror and awe into its audience. It is arguably Euripides' masterpiece, and it has a secure place as one of the greatest plays ever written. But Euripides never lived to see it performed in Athens. He died in 406 BCE, bitter and unsure of his place in history. Shortly afterward, his son brought Euripides' last three plays, including The Bacchae, back to Athens for production. There, at the same festival where Euripides had lost to now-forgotten playwrights so many times, The Bacchae and its companion pieces won first prize
The story of “moonlight” somewhat depicts on the triangle of love . That in order for any relationship to stand out and stood the test of time there is a need for this three element to be present as two individual starts to live together.
These three elements pertain to passion, commitment and intimacy. In the story it is very evident that madame letore and her husband have already establish passion and commitment on their relationship. However, with madame letore’s behavior it could be said that she longs for intimacy. Let’s just say that intimate moment was the only missing piece of their marriage. More so, she was deceived by the moonlight causing her to urge more for romance.
On the other hand, the story also portrays one of Philippine’s traditional culture. This refers to the strong family ties that madame letore and her sister have shown in the story. That madame letore’s sister really care for her in the sense that she asked her of what she feels every moment they got a chance to talk.
People may have different ways of expressing there love to their love ones but one thing is for sure, loving requires sacrifice…..
i think your post is not on the right article, better read carefully before posting a comment
The love of Media to Jason still exists in today’s era. The love would tend you to do anything and everything just to please and get the love you want in return. Even if it go against the boundary of what is right, moral and legal.
Love can surprise and amazed you in the sense that you are capable of doing something you don’t expect and thought you can do. Love is so magical and powerful that it enables you to bring in the world of fantasy and make believe. As someone said that the heart has its own reason in which reason itself doesn’t know.
Yes, that kind of love is still exist in today’s generation like for instance in teleserye and telenovela based on real life story and the recent news broadcast on tv and radio. And also a news published on newspaper saying that a man killed his wife and her lover and committed suicide afterwards. And another one is my friend who betrayed, deceived and disappointed her family by not paying the money given to her intended for her tuition fee and used it to the whim of her boyfriend.
Medea’s love for Jason is unethical, unmerciful, selfish and blind. To think she is a princess and a powerful sorceress but then because of her love to Jason it turned her to a witch. Driven by her emotion she was able to kill the opponents of her love, betray her own family, and unmercifully kill her brothers and even her own children. Ergo, Medea’s love is mad (insane).
Nowadays, I don’t think that the kind of love that Medea had for Jason still exist, for the reason that people are now more oriented in terms of values and norms (social standard). People in the new generation are more knowledgeable when it comes to love, through empirical things; from the past and other people’s experiences, man learns and become wiser. Moreover, with the influence of the western people and from cultural diversities people engaged to practical ideas, people do think practically and more open minded.
One example that will prove that it no longer exists is this; a Muslim lady fell in love to a Christian. But due to its rivalry in religion and outlawed by her parents she decided to follow her mind instead of her heart.
-Adelyn A. Llorca
In 5th century B.C. In Greece, humans are considered part of the vast web of life, what was important about any individual is the way in which he or she is like all others and connected to them through society. Thus art, philosophy, and religion sought to explain and represent the whole order of things and not the individual within that order, with fate ultimately in control of human events.
Today: Humans are seen as unique individuals and contemporary art, philosophy, and religion conform to a world view in which the individual is central and responsible.
In Medea's revenge its necessity, its causes, and its price is the central to the drama. Euripides makes Medea's desire for revenge plausible. Not only has her husband Jason wronged her by marrying the king of Corinth's beautiful young daughter, but the king of Corinth has banished her from the city to prevent her from avenging herself on his daughter. Medea can no longer return to her father's home because she left without his blessing upon her marriage to Jason. Thus she is unlawfully abandoned, emotionally wounded, and legitimately outraged. She bridles at the idea that she might be the laughing-stock of Corinth. Even when Aegeus offers her a secure future in Athens, Medea remains unsolaced -she now only seeks for revenge. But Medea takes revenge that goes far beyond.
The kind of love of media is still exist now a days,just we can see people in such situation in their marriage that one of the partner who betray them and the other would look for a revenge in order to hurt most to that partner,though power does not exist now a days like media but the kind of love if one would cheated yes it still exist.
=Alesna, Marivic C.
The love of Medea for Jason was quite realistic. We can’t deny that there are still people who are willing to take risk just for the sake of their loved ones. In the case of Medea, she wouldn’t have killed their children if only Jason was true and loyal to her but because she knew that she was being betrayed what comes to her mind is to make revenge.
In the present times, we could still hear scenario similar with this. Like the news from the television or even from radio, there are people who are eager to kill because of their hatred and there are also some happenings that triggered them to do so. Indeed it is true that people are willing to do everything when it comes to love even if they know that its already against the commandments of God. “Love hurts, and if love hurts, then one may convince himself that it is better not to love.” Pain is part and parcel of love, but it makes love grow.
Genevieve Tenio BSDC 4-A
I could say that the love of Medea for Jason doesn’t occur nowadays. In their particular love story, Medea shows desperate love for her husband. But in her case love are not anymore present in her heart yet its total anger and revenge that lives in her heart. Moreover, Medea’s desperate feeling is not enough basis to kill her brother and the worst her own children.
We all know that in the name of love, people tend to do undesirable manner just to conquer love, just like what Medea did. I felt pity for Medea’s love because it shows the saddest part of being madly inlove. She’s definitely insane. However Medea is not capable enough in taking limitations towards her action.
It is probably safe to assume that this kind of love which Medea has, still exist in our generation. Like what we’ve heard from the news,which we could hear same scenario that is similar to this situation.
There exists, at the bottom of all abasement and misfortune, a last extreme which rebels and joins battle with the forces of law and respectability in a desperate struggle, waged partly by cunning and partly by violence, at once sick and ferocious, in which it attacks the prevailing social order with the pin-pricks of vice and the hammer-blows of crime. That was the saddest part of being desperately inlove.
Bernalou Villacorta BSDC 4-A
Medea's love is very selfish, she killed her family with her power ,the revenge is in her mind in which she really control it and willing to do everything. I think the kind of love Medea share and fully gave to Jason doesn't exist in this generation because in some cases if the person really in love with someone, the person will set him free. For that person who will choose for the happiness he wanted. Nevertheless, if the person is sad and loveless he still be happy or can move on just for the sake of the person he love very much and trying to dissolve the heartaches received.
@_@jonna may gines BSMath 4-A
One will do everything, in any way to get what he wants. Likewise, one will do everything in the name of love. Some are ready to die for the one that they love. Some are willing to sacrifice what they have to be with their love. And some degrade themselves to keep their love. These are because of the greatest thing one can ever have and offer, love.
In case of Medea, she become selfish and greed because of her love for Jason, the man of her life.This shows that if one is in love, he could be of the best and the worst lover you could have. His care, attention, love, and affection you could imagine in your relationship but could also be the worst nightmare you can dream of.
Medea also reflects that of people who has hatred for clever, dishonest, and betrayal. Everyone knows even those who have not experienced what it feels of being betrayed with someone you really love.
Jason who is greed of power didn't give attention and was not able to payback Medea's love. On the contrary, he did everything to become king and be of power. Thus, giving up his own family and betrayed Medea. The idea here is the same, only the weighs of power and love matter.
Every person has a unique identity. What makes the same is the character and attitude of each. In the story, the same character was shown. It is about one who is willing to take a risk in order to get what his wants.
I have not known any that has a love the same that of Medea. So, I would say that the kind of love Medea has does not exist now a days.-maria alma chua-
In the story of Jason and Medea it really show that when it comes to LOVE, most of us become hunger, insane, willing to sacrifice everything, and willing to kill somebody else. LOVE is very powerful that come up with the results of jealous,hurt,pain and passion. Medea shows brutality that she made to kill her own family brother and even her children just for the sake of her love to Jason. I think Medea was a victim of love that's why she made it everything possible but in fact that's the reality.
The story tells about the sacrificing and the possession of a kingdom and Love. According to Luke 12:13-21 says that “Take care to guard against all greed,for through one may be rich,one's life does not consist of possession.” When the self becomes the center of one's existence emptiness and non-fulfillment are surely not far behind. There is so much unhappiness because there is so much selfishness and greed in the heart.
In the present times,the story of Jason and Medea is still exist nowadays. Everybody can relate in this scenario like the story of my neighbor before. They are husband and wife, they tend to be separated because his wife has the other man a foreigner. One time they been together as their last time to see each other again but his husband committed suicide. Later on her wife, realized that how much she love her husband very much in exchanged to her foreigner. So she never make any communication about her foreigner. Sad to say the wife was also committed suicide.
“Life becomes really prosperous, abundant, and successful when the human heart is fulfilled.” And “ Life becomes meaningful when it is lived to the full.”
Melanie E. Villaver
BS Dev Com 4-A
The world is full of mystery. We are living in the world which we cannot predict our future. You will not know what will happen to you and you cannot choose the people whom you want to fall in love with.
In the story of Jason and Medea, it shows that one can do everything for the sake of love. Even though that love can make you a bad person and push you to do a wrong thing then that love is blind.
The character of Jason in the story reflects one who is greed of power, he wanted to get back the kingdom of his father in order to that he should succeeded all the challenges. So, he used Medea to surpass all his missions but in return he just hurt the feelings of Medea.
The character of Medea in the story reflects that of a woman who is madly in love. Her lover was Jason but he doesn’t love her back. When Jason found other woman, in despair, Medea took revenge to Jason. Hence, she killed the woman which Jason like and killed her own son just to make him feels the heartache and sadness she felt.
On my own opinion the love of Medea is not already exist today. Because the kind of love she was so selfish that she killed her own son just to make revenge. In this day it is very impossible to happen.
In the story, we have seen how selfish the love of Medea to Jason is, she even killed her own brother and sacrifices her family for the sake of Jason. I think, Medea’s kind of love does not exist today, in such a way that the people are now practical especially the women. We have seen in society, that the women choose money over the love. They prefer to marry a foreigner just to have money, than to love a Filipino, who can only hurt them in return physically and emotionally. I could say that the women now are wiser than before. They just used or follow their mind than their heart. They are now knowledgeable enough, to think what’s best for them.
Love is a beautiful thing. It is universally celebrated and widely acknowledged as one of the most important feelings experienced during life. The Oxford Dictionary defines love as “an intense feeling of deep affection” or “a deep romantic attachment to someone;” however, love can be defined in many ways through romantic companionships, in families, and between friends. However celebrated or explained, love can also have its downfalls.
The kind of love of Medea is still present nowadays. Some persons can do anything for someone they love whether it’s bad or good. Love can cause a person to become jealous, angry and ultimately obsessed. When somebody cares too much and gives up their own lives to become caretakers, they become codependent. And this is the kind of love does Medea have, the obsessed love to Jayson.
I have a friend of mine that his husband has relationship to another woman. Because of her anger and jealous, she killed the woman. She doesn’t even regret what she had done by that she can have her revenge. And also some people turn away with their parents as of the love they feel for someone. The reason is that the family doesn’t like the man. So they disobey their parents.
=*= Juna V. Ylaya =*=
^_^ Bs Math IV-A ^_^
On my point of view ..
The kind of love that Medea has is still present in the current days.
There are some people who are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of their love one.
Others would turn impossible things to possible, just like what Medea did to save Jason from
Others would contradict or defy their parent's rules just to be with the person they love most, more than the kind of love that they feel for their parents, just like what Medea did to her father King Aeetes.
Others are willing to commit a crime because of jealousy, just like what Medea did to Princess Creusa and her father, King Creon.
For love can move mountains and turn hills into valleys.
But, it was an obsessive love that Medea felt for Jason.
BS DevCom 4-A
"The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return".In the story jayson and medea I can say that the love of medea to jayson it really happen nowadays,because love is blind.You do everything for the happiness of your love even if theres someone get hurt..Sometimes we can make a decissions without thinking anybody for the sake of your love.Just like Medea did...she killed all of her family.She is blind to her love of jayson.And it could be happen in life nowadays.
You can’t force someone to love another and you can’t force someone to hate another but in the end were all in god’s hands so if your gonna enforce anyone’s love, force god’s.
As what I’ve read, the story is obviously about love and greed. Love for it shows the different pace of Medea’s love towards Jason and greed for it emphasizes the greediness of Jason for the power. But, I was required to give my reaction not on Jason’s greediness but on Medea’s love towards Jason.
One afternoon, as I was watching the practice of players in the field of our school, I happily focus my eyes to my friend, who is one of the players; we’ve known each other for quite some time but on that day, I happened to realize that I’m starting to like him not just a friend but a possible recipient of my attention, in order for me to get rid of someone who caused me pain that week. After that notion, I was able to compare myself from Medea and was hunted by the question, “Does Medea’s love still present in the current day?
Maybe it’s yes, maybe it’s no. Who knows? People who cannot relate to Medea can easily say no but how about those persons who are experiencing what Medea had experienced? It’s hard for them to say no because for them at that moment love is so powerful that leads them to forget what’s right and wrong. That’s why we cannot blame persons who’ve committed crimes just for love because we are created to love but the sad thing was that they were blinded and they let their hearts over ruled their brains.
Everyone says love hurts but this is not true. Loneliness hurts, cheating hurts, deception hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts, ignorance hurts, envy hurts, and jealousy hurts. Everyone get these emotions confused with love but in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.
Ergo, Medea and I have one thing in common, we both love and we were hurt by those emotions which we confused as love and at one point we differ because Medea chose to have revenge while me chose to find another love that could cover all my pain and could make me feel wonderful again.
Jason and Medea is a story about love, passion, fear, and most importantly revenge. The story talks about the intense love turned to such intense hate, that Medea kills her own children to get back at her husband for betraying her for another woman. The story exposed the voices of women articulate great sentiments and truths. Loyalty are revealed as weak foundations for trust.
Medea’s kind of love to Jason still exists today in such a way there are some people can do anything just for the sake of love. One reason is because people actually do kill their children in order to get revenge on lovers or spouses who have rejected them. Many adults in real life have experienced feelings of love and possessiveness as well as grief and anger at being rejected or betrayed by a lover, and hatred towards the people they perceive have caused the lover to spurn them, especially the new object of the lover's affections. Sometimes this may be accompanied by a desire to hurt or cause any kind of suffering to those people. Despite the fact that those emotions may be as intense as those experienced by Medea herself, people in our society usually do.
Tiro, Charizza P.
=4-A BS Math=
As the only guy of this class, maybe there so many people who doesn't understand guys what feels like about love... Me myself practically give my opinion to the love of Medea to Jason(not me of course). Medea is nothing but a hypocrite person, she never mind who people she kills just for the sake of her love to Jasson, I mean Jason. Though love go beyond of what we expect, we still have the heart/conscience of our own relative which blood of us came from, it's so damn crazy to read that Medea even kill her own father for Jason. For the Girls that is so martyr there, I maybe say that the kind of love of Medea still exist to our new generation. "Love Conquers All Maybe" but I still believe that Blood is Thicker than Water, you should not have sacrifice your family just for the one you love. We guys maybe so practical in terms of love(or maybe it's just me), we don't sacrifice our Family, There's so many fish in the sea..ahehe. Talking 'bout power, it's quite obvious that it is still exist today, just for an example the scandalous Ampatuan Massacre, We kill for the benefits. hahay..."Too much Love will kill you"..hehehe,
>>Jasson Salde Jabonite BS MAth 4-A.
Obsession . . . that is! But on the other hand people who in love too much, it is possible for him/her to do even the most evil thing. I admire Media of her love to Jayson. Just that too much love can lead to obsession.
Here in our world I cannot cite an example of a love like Media towards Jayson who would kill an innocent child just to hurt her unfaithful husband. Here mostly happen if a husband is unfaithful to his wife the wife simply cry and get hurt or leave her husband and bring their child. She won’t kill her son, because here in our country parents do love their children.
I learn from this story that if you love someone make sure that you should love your self above all and don’t give all your love you should keep some for your self.
I believe that the love of medea is still existing in this time. If you experience what medea experienced you can also think of something stupid or worst. After all that you’ve done for him, he will just throw you away like a used plastic, despite your sacrifices for him. Sometimes to much love may lead you to an unlawful behavior.
--wella pearl amante-- bs devcom 4-a
In my own opinion, I can say that Medea's love towards Jayson is very selfish. Which I can say that it still exist nowadays. Some people tend to be very selfish when it comes to loving. One of the best example of selfish love is the "suicide thing". What I mean with this is commiting suicide just to threaten the person they love not to leave them. Worst, they do this but unknowingly, they are the one at the losing end. Commiting suicide is not merely a reason to love them by the one they love. They are just making their life more misirable in this situation.
But in Medea's case, suicide is just a small thing compared to what she had done for love. She's more than a criminal and very crazy to kill her own family just to please Jayson. This is rediculous and crazy. Knowing that Jayson is just using her and taking her love for granted. This is what selfish love means. Loving is not a wrong thing, but doing everything just for love is the wrong thing.
In my own opinion, I can say that Medea's love towards Jayson is very selfish. Which I can say that it still exist nowadays. Some people tend to be very selfish when it comes to loving. One of the best example of selfish love is the "suicide thing". What I mean with this is commiting suicide just to threaten the person they love not to leave them. Worst, they do this but unknowingly, they are the one at the losing end. Commiting suicide is not merely a reason to love them by the one they love. They are just making their life more misirable in this situation.
But in Medea's case, suicide is just a small thing compared to what she had done for love. She's more than a criminal and very crazy to kill her own family just to please Jayson. This is rediculous and crazy. Knowing that Jayson is just using her and taking her love for granted. This is what selfish love means. Loving is not a wrong thing, but doing everything just for love is the wrong thing.
aliza marie t. suan bs devcom 4-a
I believe that the Medea love had is not existing today in the sense that she willing to killed,the one she loved.But still the story show that Medea willing to sacrifice everything even her own family.For the instance she give up everything her country and family for the sake of Jason because she want to be with Jason forever.
That kind of love is still exist today.For example of my friend (I dont want to mention her name because i dont want to reveal her identity.)my friend loves her family so much what ever the parents decides to her,she always follow or obey.One day the guy invited her to went the province,then the girl accepted the invitation.To make the story short,after she stay for a couple of days a terrible happen to the girl that open her mind that her parents was right.Just like the story it proves that Jason is not worth it for the loved of Medea.
In the story it proves that the saying is true
"To much live will kill you".
-Rulda Rhica Calma
They say when people fall in love they tend to forget about their selves. Just like what happen to media when she fall in love to Jason, she seems to forget herself in the sense that she was able to do things which is unethical and hurt others for the sake of love.
The love of Medea seldom exist in our era nowadays, because people now, are more practical and advance in the sense that people are more with security rather than emotional attachment. But there are still people who are willing to do anything just for love. They are willing to hate, makes the life of other people complicated or worst kill just to get the one they love. They became selfish and greed and willing to sacrifice everything in the name of love. Love is so powerful as well as dangerous, it can pollute the minds of the people and it has the tendency to control the lives of the people.
They say “love is not blind, it sees but it doesn’t mind” but Medea has done it the other way around, she is blinded by her love that brought her to evilness, selfishness and greediness. Love is kind, only that the people who felt it made it evil.
As time goes by, the love Medea may or may not exist anymore. But it doesn’t matter, what matter is that we learned from her story that it is not a sin to love but we must have our own limitation and we should not forget to use our mind, because the mind knows when to stop when everything are already uncontrollable by the heart. We must remember that love is undeniably, different when we use it unselfishly, without the hatred and with happiness in your heart.
Love is the reason of man existence. Without love, man will be nothing. It gives reason why man fights and strives for its survival. Because of love man will do anything and everything for the sake of love that may leads him into a bad person.
Just like the love of Medea had for Jason that obviously still exist in today’s generation because we can still observe it and heard it to different media programs, that there where scenarios played in the real life story that people are being killed because of love. Medea betrays, hurt others and worst even killed his own brother and children because of love. She was blinded by her own love that she seems not to notice that it is not love that she felt anymore but it is already hatred that brought her to do evil things and forget everything. She becomes selfish and greedy, but on the other hand, we can’t put all the blame to media because only if Jason was just faithful, honest and true to his feelings to her, Medea wouldn’t be like that. It is Jason who pushes Medea to do all those unethical things.
Love may complicate our lives but we can’t deny the fact that love is all that we asked for, it just that it is the beholder of love that misunderstand the true meaning of love that sometimes leads us to heartache.
The story Jason and Medea, tells us that sometimes love is the cause of all evils.Why I said so, because it is stated in the story that Medea chose to be a murderer not for herself but for the sake of her love to Jayson.
It is also stated in the story that human as we are, we have this tendency to be overpowered by our emotions and feelings to the extent that we can not think of a better way in order to escape from the negative situations we have encountered in life.
In the story Medea killed her own child because she wanted to revenge Jayson, she wanted to let him fell the pain she felt when she is betrayed by Jayson. She can not think of a better way because she is blinded with too much anger.
The story also emphasizes that we can not force love, we can not teach our heart who to love and when to love. If this will happen there will be discontentment and regret. To the point that we really have to strive for something we can call as a Perfect thing for us or a perfect someone whom our hearts desire.
Just like Jayson in the story she is not really in love with Medea, that is why he is not contented living with her.
Love has its own way of existence that only love can understand it.
amorganda ycot saludar bs devcom 4-a
The love story of jason and medea is still existing in this present generation. In the name of love a lot of people will do everything for their special someone. However, along the way we can't avoid that there would be instances that we will sometimes forget that we already did something wrong just to please that someone we love. For instance, in the love stories of most teenagers nowadays that there are times we tend to take lies with our parents just to be with our gf/bf since in the first place we knew that they won't allow us to get in such relationships because they want us to prioritize our studies before anything else. Taking a lie and disobeying our parents are already examples of great things that someone could do because of love.
On the other hand, it hurts when you did everything for your love one yet to your dismay he has jump ship , he betrayed you. Because the truth is he is also doing everything for someone he loves. But that's the reality of love in this world after all that sometimes no matter how much we fight for certain relationships if its not really meant to last then its not worth it . Being selfish and take heart breaks are just some things that we can get out of loving someone. There are people when they are hurt they take revenge just to ease the pain that they are exactly feeling at that moment and eventually they discourage the habit or the opportunity of loving and be loved again but for me I guess the best remedy of a broken heart is to love again. Never turn your backs from love when you happened to get hurt by someone you love in the past because who knows the right one for you is just right beside you..
For me it doesn't matter whether I will look fool when I love or I'll please someone like what medea was doing for jason just as long as I know I won't take regrets in the end by not expressing my love for that man. It is assumed that we should also know when to hold on and fight for certain feelings and when to let go of it when we are in the stage of loving but though shall not take crimes just to attain your heart's desire.
Sophocles's Jason and Medea showcases the reality of life when it comes to greediness and love. Like Jason, goodness and kindness are in nature in every being, but if evil conquer in every humankind, people will then tend do scurvy things.
Just like in the story, many people are hungry for power and remained not contented for what they have. This result to striving for more. Brutal, unmerciful, wicked acts - even this things are very possible just to achieve great and more power. Worst thing is, neglecting the people who are involved, even if that someone leads you to victory.
Jason also established how people take advantage for the goodness of others. He's a user. He used the madness of Medea towards him to make things possible. He's selfish. He only consider his dream, his ambition and living Medea broken.
On the other hand, Medea's love for Jason is selfish and one sided. She's mad. She even portrayed disloyalty and betrayal just to get Jason's love. Killing their enemies, her brother, and even her own son just to get what she desires most- love of Jason.
In today's era, I do believe that the kind of love that Medea possessed towards Jason is not existing. People now are wise enough to handle such thing. Yes, maybe there are still mad when it comes to love, but not to the extent of killing their own child. People are willing to sacrifice and would do their best to be loved in return, but there comes to a point when all of the sudden, they have come to realized that life must go on whatever may happen.
I'm definitely agree that kind of love, Media still existing nowadays, its not wrong to love the person to much, but the unexpected actions against him because of love.
In the beak news at the televisions and radio, you will surely heard this kind of situation, because to much of love resulted as, he or she killed his/ her partner.
As woman, you'll gave 101% of loved as possible to the person whom you loved so much, just like what Media have done in the story. Even if, hundreds of people are against with your affair its not really matter. Because you'll sacrifice everything for the sake of your relationship. As long as, you found your true meaning of happiness with him.
The sad part was, when the person you loved still committed to betrayed you despite of your unconditional love you offered to him. De same as, what Jason have done to Media.
The deadliest moves of Media, because of her bitterness against to planned a complete “Revenge” to Jason. To killed his husband, children, and the princess of Corinthian. The angers, she felt, that made her mindset to be blinded in her own actions.
Therefore I conclude that everything in this world that you'll loved to much whether in terms of love, ambition or material things was not good. Just like a medicine, if you taken it more than required your body will overdosed and might killed you.
In short, when we talked about LOVE...”To much love will kill you”
*Richel M. Simangca BS DevCom IV-A *
Im definitely agree that kind of love, Media still existing nowadays, its not wrong to love the person to much, but the unexpected actions against him because of love.
In the beaknews at the televisions and radio, you will surely heard this kind of situation, because to much of love resulted as, he or she killed his/ her partner.
As woman, youll gave 101% of loved as possible to the person whom you loved so much, just like what Media have done in the story. Even if, hundreds of people are against with your affair its not really matter. Because youll sacrifice everything for the sake of your relationship. As long as, you found your true meaning of hapiness with him.
The sad part was, when the person you loved still committed to betrayed you despite of your unconditional love you offered to him. Desame as, what Jason have done to Media.
The deadliest moves of Media, because of her bitterness against to planned a complete “Revenge” to Jason. To killed his husband, children, and the princess of Corinthian. The angerness, she felt, that made her mindset to be blinded in her own actions.
Therefore I conclude that everything in this world that youll loved to much whether in terms of love, ambition or material things was not good. Just like a medicine, if you taken it more than required your body will overdosed and might killed you.
In short, when we talked about LOVE...”To much love will kill you”
*Richel M. Simangca BS DevCom IV-A *
“Sometimes, we get too possessive with something or someone we don`t even own.. It’s a side-effect of loving too much and receiving too little.” As what the quote says.
If the love of Medea still present or existing in the current day? I think yes. As what I have seen last night when I was watching “Rated K” of Ms. Korina Sanchez. The show features a Filipina who was being killed by her American husband because he found out that the Filipina has another man. I’ve also heard in the news even up to these days that there’s still a husband who kills his wife because of jealousy or a wife who kills his husband’s mistress or children being poisoned by their mother because her husband or their father had left them.
Too much love for someone could make us become selfish, we think that, that person is only for us and not for others or for anyone else. Maybe we are just magnified in the so called “destiny” or “soul mate” that’s why we can’t let the person we love simply go without fighting for them. I remember my papa once told me that "when you love someone you have to set him/her free. If he/she comes back then he's/she's yours and if not you're really not meant to be and you have to learn to accept that because we own nothing in this world." and that I agree. The person who’s truly in love learns to let go and be happy where the person he/she loves is happy. Because love is not SELFISH.
and I will end my comment by a quote from "A Walk to Remember and from the Bible 1 Corinthians 13:4"
“Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never SELFISH, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love.”
Ma. Theresa Natalio Mariano, BSDevCom IV-A
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